A lot of people consume the news on their mobile device. It’s always in our pockets and extremely accessible compared to something like a cable show or newspaper. Therefore, it’s really important that a news outlets website is mobile compatible… and there’s our problem.
Browsing the WAVE website on my phone, I notice some immediate problems. Primarily, it takes way too long to find what you need and even longer to browse if you just want to stay updated. The link to one particular story and corresponding photo takes up about half of your screen, and it’s extremely cumbersome to categorize this massive and poorly formatted list of stories because scrolling in the categories section after clicking the three lines in the upper-left often doesn’t work correctly, and causes you to hit a tag you didn’t want to. Lastly, ads also take up about half the phone screen during your scroll, perpetuating both these problems. Overall, it’s clear the website needs a mobile revamp.