Friday, September 21, 2018

Sam's Hot Takes #6 - Mentor/Mentee Program

      This is Samuel Watkins, providing you with yet another hot take tonight - my last one before our grand finale. The topic I'm covering, though, is a little bit different from all the others. This hot take is going to be about our Journalism and Communications mentorship program, both what I like about it and what I don't.
      Firstly, my mentor has been an extremely valuable resource. Thanks to him, I'm a lot more knowledgeable on our magnet, and he even motivated me to go talk with Mr. Miller and find out information about the RedEye workday coming up. However, at the same time, I think there are some issues with the program too. After meeting my mentor and going over the basic informational stuff with him... there really wasn't any defined steps after that. It'd be nice to have some other way to interact with my mentor in a way that gives me more information about our magnet. This could be anything from a dedicated week for shadowing them during their after-school publication workday, or something like entering a particular J&C related competition with them as a group. 
     Of course, it's up to those reading this if they'd like to implement or push for a implementation of these ideas for the mentorship program. After all... they're only my takes.

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