Friday, September 21, 2018

Sam's Hot Takes #5 - Response to Emily's "Deck of Cards" Blog Post

       This is Samuel Watkins, providing you with yet another hot take tonight - this time, it's going to be my second response to a blog from one of my classmates tonight. Specifically, to my classmate Emily's blog post about the deck of cards Mr. Miller uses to call on people in the class - you can read the post in question here.
      Firstly, I want to give props to Emily for making this observation. It's not something I would've thought of to talk about personally, but she makes some really good points about how these cards Mr. Miller uses give everyone a chance to speak their mind on the topics we discuss. While Emily gives the perspective of how these cards give her the needed encouragement to speak up, I'm often someone who falls on the opposite end of the spectrum - I have a tendency to talk too much, ask too many questions... and thus not do enough listening. Reflecting on this, the cards really do make a difference and help me learn.
      However, I do have a couple suggestions for Emily's blog post, a bit of constructive criticism to offer. First off, it's just a bit short and lacks a bit of detail. This fact, along with how she missed a couple of obvious errors like missing commas and a space between the words "in" and "front",  makes me think the blog post was slightly rushed... a bit of a shame for such a neat concept, but that's only my take.

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