Friday, November 2, 2018

Sam’s Hot Takes S2, #3 - The Sports WAVE

Welcome back to Sam’s Hot Takes, Season Two! On this ten minutes, we discover that stories about the local news we’re following net us ten points and subsequently spam them!
Lots of people are talking about it, and it’s clearly a problem with WAVE as well - wayyy too much sports coverage. Look, I get it, we’re a sports town. It’s important to a lot of people in our community to have coverage like this, but it’s the battle for balance we fight as journalists between elitism and populism… and WAVE’s losing it.
Our group typically sees about 4 sports stories a day from WAVE’s coverage each night. These stories are all extremely surface level, covering who’s playing who in the next U of L, Kentucky, or Louisville City game as well as dates and times. Perhaps it’d be better if they had some more insightful things to say? Some sort of columnist, or some predictions… but hey, what do I know? That’s just my take.

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