Friday, September 21, 2018

Sam's Hot Takes #7 - Media Critique: "The Difference Between a Watchfox and a Watchdog"

      This is Samuel Watkins, providing you with yet another hot take tonight... but unfortunately, it'll also be my last. Here's the grand finale of my procrastination marathon, the media critique!
The article I'm critiquing is this one...
Politicians caught padding their resumes, from fake diplomas to biographical discrepancies by Jennifer Earl
...published by who else than Fox News. The standard that they violate here is fairness.  

      Firstly, it's worth mentioning that the article covers three Democratic politicians and only one Republican politician. The Republican politician's offense was also covered in the least detail compared to the other three offenses. This is at least somewhat defensible by its lonesome, and on its own could be mere coincidence. 
      However, looking deeper into the article, it's clearly trying to be watchdog journalism when that's just not what's happening here. One of the attacks on Democrat Andy Kim was that "he stated he worked under both Democratic and Republican administrations", but in actuality, "he only worked as a conflict management specialist for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for “less than a year” during the Bush era in 2005." 
      These attacks on these politicians are simply petty, and while the Republican covered in the article dropped out of her race for lying about having a college degree, all of the Democratic candidates covered here are still running in their elections. 
      Looking at this article, the bias is clear. It's a thinly veiled attack piece on Democratic candidates, passed off as 'watchdog journalism'. But hey... that's just my take.

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