Friday, November 2, 2018

Sam’s Hot Takes S2, #2 - Critically Gone

Welcome back to Sam’s Hot Takes, Season Two! This’ll be another critique of a post from one of my classmates.
While I initially enjoyed Morgan’s blog post, Missing Girl or Missing News?, after taking it apart a bit I quickly realized that it crumbles under pressure. My main criticism is this: it seems Morgan fails to make the distinction here between journalism for the purpose of informing people and journalism for the purpose of entertainment. The low-hanging fruit for these responses is to just call things not relevant on the national stage, but the problem with this is that it’s clearly not meant to be. True crime gathers so many clicks because, simply, it’s entertaining. Following a national mystery like this in the news is almost a journalistic tradition at this point, and I for one really enjoy coverage like this — even if it’s not entirely pertinent to my everyday life. That’s why I think that our critic is the person missing something here.

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