Friday, September 21, 2018

Sam's Hot Takes #4 - Response to Wisal's Media Critique

      This is Samuel Watkins, providing you with yet another hot take tonight - though this time, it'll be a little different. This is going to be a response to my classmate Wisal's media critique, which you can read here.
      There's a disclaimer I need to give before I begin, however - because although I do criticize this specific piece of writing from Wisal, she's done an absolutely wonderful job on consistently keeping up with her blog throughout this assignment. She has multiple posts containing multiple detailed paragraphs... and she's certainly done a better job of planning out the timeline of each of her posts, and not procrastinating as I have.
      But that's enough with the flattery! You're not here for that, you're here for hot takes! The main issue I take up with Wisal's critique here is that it's just a bit... petty. While yes, there are many important current events going on at any given time in the world, it's okay to have news that's a little more populist, and geared a little more towards entertainment from time to time. The murder case covered in the article she critiques even clearly mentions a book being written on the topic - clearly, it's being covered not because it's the most pressing story in the world, but because it's an interesting story.
     But who's to say which of us is correct? All I can do is provide my take.

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